Terms and Conditions
You (the “Buyer”) agree to all terms and conditions on the front and back of this Invoice (“Terms and Conditions”), which apply to the sale of the goods listed on the front. Your sole remedy is set forth in these Terms and Conditions. For any claim (whether based in contract, negligence, equity or otherwise) against Wood Sense Interiors Inc. concerning performance or nonperformance of these goods and/or for any claim whatsoever arising out of, connected to or relating to the sale of the goods for which this Invoice was issued, you may only recover direct damages up to the limit set forth as follows:
1. Wood Sense Interiors Inc. ’5 liability for direct damages from any cause whatsoever will be strictly limited to the purchase price of the goods that caused the damages, including claims by the Buyer for bodily injury or damage to real property or tangible personal property.
2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in no event will Wood Sense Interiors Inc. be liable for any special or indirect damages, lost profits, lost opportunities, lost savings, incidental or other economic consequential damages or losses. This is true even if the Buyer advises Wood Sense Interiors Inc. of the possibility of such damages or losses. Wood Sense Interiors Inc. is not liable for any claim based on a third party claim.
3. In no event shall the responsibility of Wood Sense Interiors Inc. exceed the purchase price of the goods.